Friday, October 10, 2014


We each have our own beliefs, some of us believe in myths or legends, some in God, some in other divine beings. Don't you think that with all of the believing we do, we should start believing in ourselves?
We each have infinite potential, we have the power to become anything, do anything. we can make things happen, if we believe in ourselves.
I believe in each of you and your individual power to become.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I'll fight for you.

Here are two of my favorite songs of all time. They help me remember that I'm never alone, and that there's always someone out there who'll fight for me. That's something I think we all forget all too often.
Guys, remember that even if nobody else seems to be there, I'll fight for you.

"Never treat yourself like less than you are. What you are is beautiful, is wonderful, is spectacular. There is only one you. That you, is a child of God"

-Beautiful Thoughts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A warm welcome

Welcome to Beautiful thoughts Overheard!
 My goal with this blog is to post uplifting, inspiring, and beautiful messages for all to share.
 My goal in writing this blog is not to gain glory for myself, but to make life beautiful for others.
So share with a smile!
 I'll start off with one of the thoughts, coming up next!